Russia “lets the Third World starve” because the grain deal with Ukraine failed. But why aren’t the poorest of the poor protesting?

(Image: Daily Mail)

Yes, the media, U.S. President Joe Biden and other outraged Western politicians who, as usual, care about how poor people are doing, have informed us that Russia’s decision to renege on the agreement regarding the export of Ukrainian grain is unsurpassed in infamy: it leaves the poorest of the poor to starve. 

But isn’t it weird that the poorest of the poor do not protest? 

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Republican U.S. Senator Roger Marshall makes an urgent call on social media to “finally get tough on Russia.” A year earlier, he had claimed that “Putin is starving millions of people around the world.” Miraculously, they survived. (Twitter screenshot)

The answer to the above question: it is because the poor and hungry in the Global South know something that you, as a consumer of Western mainstream and social media, do not: that not a single grain of wheat or corn has reached them from Ukraine. Kiev has shipped the goods to Europe and China for human and animal consumption. Since sales and profits are much higher in higher income countries, only a negligible amount went to the global South.

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There were no protests of the starving people in the Global South, but there was an indignation mimed by the U.S. president, because Russia’s move will allegedly aggravate the famine there. (Screenshot Yahoo News)

But don’t blame Ukraine, because it’s not even the actual seller. The agricultural cartels in the USA own most of the fertile farmland in Ukraine and control the agribusiness there.

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Joe Biden’s son Hunter, another philanthropist, made sure that the poor Chinese – oh, wait, they were lifted out of poverty some time ago – didn’t starve. Or that his belly and pockets and those of the Big Guy remained well filled. (Screenshot New York Post headline)

Due to the fact that any shortage drives up the price, regardless of where the grain is grown, Moscow has benefited America’s Big Agribusiness. Additionally, given that China may experience a grain shortage, it may have shown its displeasure with Beijing over the latter’s neutrality in the Ukraine conflict. 

But the poorest are hardest hit by the price increases. The West would make accommodations on price if it were truly concerned.

Oh wait, that was Russia, which even offered free deliveries of its own grain to Africa. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out — because of the Western sanctions.

The icing on the cake was that instead of supplying poor countries with grain, Ukraine flooded Central European countries with it, threatening the livelihood of farmers there. Massive protests by farmers forced the Polish Minister of Agriculture to resign and Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to ban imports of Ukrainian grain.

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(Screenshot of a Euronews headline about the U.S.-owned Ukrainian agriculture attack on Central European agriculture)