Total Net Censorship is Getting Closer: Google Wants to Block Search Results for Critical Media

Total Net Censorship is Getting Closer: Google Wants to Block Search Results for Critical Media

The largest Internet search engine Google has announced “new tools” to detect supposed “false information”. On the one hand, a “fact-check explorer” is to make it easier in future to distinguish true from false information. At the same time, content created by self-proclaimed “fact checkers” should also be able to be found more quickly. In turn, a “Claim Review” tool (meaning “request classification”, a kind of service for supervised thinking) should make it possible for these to have the results of their checks displayed in an “exposed position”. In addition, Google wants to cooperate with selective publishers and journalists as part of its “News Initiative” – of course, only those who stand for guaranteed side-effect-free, harmless and “true” information.

These new tools are being introduced by Google in close cooperation with, among others, the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO). In Europe, it is primarily the provisions of the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) that are setting the new framework here. The efforts are aimed at ensuring that in the future the public will no longer see, hear or read anything that is not desired by lobby NGOs and mindsetters, political elites and their executive authorities. The ominous “fact-checkers” are granted infallibility status.

Doubtful intentions

Anyone who calls himself that and claims to have verified something is obviously entitled to unconditional credibility. Google and Co. are apparently not interested in the fact that even these hired truth guardians – even with dubious best intentions – do not have higher insights and can do no more than what has actually always been the task of journalists, namely to check the truth content of an assertion.

Moreover, “fact checkers” are not objective, but guided by principled ideological and/or monetary interests. Their very existence marks the end of any open debate and genuine culture of freedom of opinion. In the meantime, however, they appear as a kind of supreme authority on truth, whose judgment is the final conclusion on right and wrong. Moreover, with the new Google initiative, all official pronouncements, whether on Corona and other diseases, gender, global warming, any heat or cold records, crime, et cetera, will also appear as irrefutable “truths.” Criticism of the government can thus take place less than ever.

No longer search machines, but finding machines

Most Internet users begin with a Google search for the topics that interest them – but if the monopolistic data octopus Google and its big-tech accomplices and globalist governments have their way, in the future they will be responsible not only for searching, but above all for “finding” the permissible Internet content – while blocking out and making invisible unpopular opinion and news offerings, instead of which they will then receive only cleverly pre-filtered information excerpts. Media that have a different point of view and question the respective official version will no longer be found at all, or at best only after a laborious search. Of course, the average Internet user will not take this time and effort, and the governments and corporations know that. Ultimately, it is about total control of the flow of information. The EU’s DSA is a milestone in this suppression of free speech. If the big Internet corporations don’t want to risk massive fines of up to six percent of their annual turnover, they will be forced to act as censors of the EU and member state governments.

Google’s move is probably also to be understood as a demonstration of its willingness to go down this path. The company is thus finally eliminated as a reliable and impartial source of information. It is therefore advisable to fall back on one of the other, less well-known search engines – in the hope of escaping the almighty censorship there. “Yandex” seems to deliver the most results that deviate from Google. For the free media, at any rate, these developments have finally ushered in an ice age, an uncertain, gloomy future of information and opinion control, in which they face a gigantic superiority of politics, corporate media and globalist authorities.