No satire: Real warmongers award each other real peace prizes. The Western establishment adorns itself with peace symbols to pretend to be peace-loving.

Peace Prize laureate Ursula van der Leyen tours the NATO war zone in Ukraine that she inflamed with massive arms deliveries. She was not elected by the Europeans as EU Commission President, but appointed by the members of the European Union’s Political Bureau, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel, in a backroom deal.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen received the “legal equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize” from Justin Trudeau on behalf of the entire Commission in a perfect orgy of self-congratulation. It is the second time within a year that Leyen has received a prize from the military-pharmaceutical-digital-financial complex, the oligarchs and billionaires for fulfilling their goals.

In September 2022, a series of conferences of billionaire NGOs took place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, such as the “Clinton Global Initiative” and, of course, the Gates Foundation’s “Goalkeepers 2022” conference. As reported here, Leyen received the “Global Goalkeeper Award” for best implementing the goals of the billionaire foundations.

With further warmongering in Ukraine and, above all, the most radical implementation of the Green Deal imposed by BlackRock and Co, Leyen was again worthy of the prize, as she proudly reported:

The new award for “World Peace and Freedom” is modestly compared to the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize comes from the “non-profit” organization World Law Foundation, launched in 2019.

The board of this association is, of course, peppered with celebrities such as a former EU commissioner, former Polish and French prime ministers, former Slovenian and Latvian presidents, a former EU vice president and various representatives of the Western establishment, academics and lawyers.

One might think that the same von der Leyen-led EU Commission would be the opposite of a candidate for a peace prize, having constantly sided with Washington’s military interventionism, or at least done little to nothing about it, and even leading the way in the case of Libyan regime change.

Most recently, the EU had a chance to end the conflict in Ukraine before it even began by demanding that Kiev comply with the Minsk agreements and rejecting the West’s arming and training of anti-Russian fighters on its border with Russia.

“For the first time ever, the European Union will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and other equipment to a country under attack,” von der Leyen said last year, calling it a “watershed moment.”

The comparison with the Nobel Peace Prize may indeed be apt, considering that it was hastily awarded to former U.S. President Barack Obama even before he could order further bombings and war crimes in Africa and the Middle East.

From August 24, the Digital Services Act will come into force, with which the EU will expand the already existing censorship and further restrict the fundamental rights to freedom of the press and freedom of expression. And without these rights, there can be no functioning democracy.



The host was Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has openly shown his contempt for democracy and freedom by blocking the bank accounts of striking truckers, vaccination mania, censorship, warmongering, training troops and supplying weapons to Ukraine.

“Brexit left many doubting whether the Union would continue to endure. Euroskepticism was on the rise. And protectionism and authoritarianism were becoming more widespread,” Trudeau said, presumably as a proven expert on authoritarianism.

“As choruses like ‘America First’ grew louder, both Canada and Europe held fast to our belief that growth does not come from building walls and turning inward,” the Canadian prime minister added.

In fact, no one participates more eagerly in “America First” than Canada and Europe, which blindly follow Washington’s instructions in all areas – from Ukraine to the climate – even if this is to the detriment of the interests of their own citizens.

And those who profit from it find that worthy of a prize.