Gaza Human Rights Bibliography

Ed. For those interested in the human rights side of the Gaza conflict, political scientist Dr. Norman Finkelstein has compiled a comprehensive bibliography, which he updates regularly on his Substack account.

Human Rights Watch

Amnesty International


  • “Urgent Israel Announces Total Warfare on Gaza’s Civilian Population, Employing Starvation as a Weapon,” Al-Haq, October 9, 2023, available at:
  • “Palestinian human rights organizations call on the international community to intervene to stop Israeli massacres in Gaza and provide protection to Palestinian civilians,” Al-Haq, October 10, 2023, available at:
  • “Days 3-4: Israel’s Massacre of Civilians in Gaza Continues Unabated in the Silence of the International Community,” Al-Haq, October 11, 2023, available at:
  • “Days 4-5: Israel destroys entire residential neighborhoods and intensifies mass killings of Palestinians in Gaza,” Al-Haq, October 11, 2023, available at:
  • “License to Kill: Third States Disregard their International Responsibility to Act to Prevent Israel’s Violation of Jus Cogens Norms.” Al-Haq, October 12, 2023, available at:
  • “Al-Haq, Al Mezan, and PCHR. Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures and the Commission of Inquiry on Israel’s Total Warfare on Gaza’s Civilian Population,” Al-Haq, October 12, 2023, available at:
  • “Days 5-6: Following Genocidal Statements, Israel Escalates Attacks on Gaza’s Civilian Population Through Killing, Starvation and Cutting Off Vital Supplies,” Al-Haq, October 12, 2023, available at:
  • “Joint Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on Journalists Killed While Reporting in Gaza, Highlights Israel in Breach of International Law,” Al-Haq, October 13, 2023, available at:
  • “Urgent: Israel’s Evacuation Order to 1.1 Million Palestinians in Gaza is Direct Forcible Transfer, Urgent Intervention is Needed,” Al-Haq, October 13, 2023, available at:
  • “Urgent Action: Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Call on Third States to Urgently Intervene to Protect the Palestinian People Against Genocide,” Al-Haq, October 13, 2023, available at:
  • “EU leadership must put an end to its double standards and complicity in Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people,” Al-Haq, October 14, 2023, available at:
  • “Palestinian Civil Society Organisations Submit Recommendations for the European Parliament Motion for a Resolution on Palestine,” Al-Haq, October 17, 2023, available at:
  • “No safe place: Despite ‘evacuation order,’ Israel continues to carpet bomb Gaza from north to south,” Al-Haq, October 18, 2023, available at:
  • “Destruction of al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City, an attack on the economic existence of a national group,” Al-Haq, October 19, 2023, available at: 
  • “Urgent international intervention is needed to protect Palestinians in northern Gaza,” Al-Haq, October 22, 2023, available at:
  • “Israel’s last evacuation order requires urgent international intervention to protect Gaza’s civilian population, who have nowhere left to shelter,” Al-Haq, October 29, 2023, available at:
  • “Gaza hospitals are collapsing and can be targeted anytime: The international community must intervene and stop more Israeli massacres of Palestinian civilians,” Al-Haq, November 2, 2023, available at:
  • “As the death toll in Gaza exceeds 10,000 in a month, Palestinian organizations call for an immediate end to Israel’s genocidal warfare against Palestinians,” Al-Haq, November 7, 2023, available at:
  • “Initial reporting on the ongoing Israeli retaliatory attacks on Gaza (Reporting Period, 7-28 October 2023),” Al-Haq, November 12, 2023, available at:
  • “On World Children’s Day: ICC should immediately issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials responsible for flagrant international crimes against Palestinian children,” Al-Haq, November 21, 2023, available at: 

Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights

United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner

International Committee of the Red Cross

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 

  • “Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #1”, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, October 7, 2023, available at: